Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Online

Gain the knowledge you need to successfully transition into baccalaureate-prepared nursing practice in the dynamic Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing online program. Complete your degree quickly.

Apply by: 5/5/25
Start class: 5/19/25 Apply Now

Program Overview

Why consider the RN to BSN online program at TAMIU

The RN to BSN program at Texas A&M International University provides an accelerated and affordable pathway to diverse professional nursing roles. The coursework is delivered in a 100% online format ideal for working nurses. The program can be completed quickly.

You will learn about the role of a nurse leader in professional nursing practice—with a focus on critical thinking, effective communication, ethical and legal issues, conflict resolution, improving quality and safety, and leading change. You will apply these theories within a practice setting.

This online RN to BSN program also deepens your knowledge of conducting comprehensive health assessments through all phases of the patient life span. You will also focus on developing nursing knowledge and evidence-based practice through the use of the research process. You will also broaden your knowledge of epidemiological principles by collaborating with community groups to assess healthcare status, resources, and needs.

In this ACEN-accredited RN to BSN online program, you will learn to:

  • Synthesize knowledge from the arts, humanities, sciences, and other disciplines in developing a framework for nursing knowledge and practice
  • Explore the effect of variations in health status, developmental processes, values, beliefs and attitudes, culture, history, and environment on nursing care needs
  • Use critical thinking, clinical judgment/decision making, problem-solving, and the research process in the development of nursing knowledge and practice
  • Assess, diagnose, plan, implement, and evaluate evidence-based and culturally-appropriate safe nursing care with patients, families, populations and communities
  • Evaluate utilization of health promotion strategies in the development of nursing practice
  • Develop professional nursing practice frameworks and roles, including the provider of patient-centered care, health care team member/collaborator, leader/manager, educator, scholar, patient-safety advocate, activist, mentor, and entrepreneur
  • Evaluate the impact of evolving technological, socioeconomic, political and demographic changes on nursing practice and health care systems
  • Adhere to legal and ethical principles in the development of professional nursing practice
  • Participate in nursing- and health-related service opportunities
  • Synthesize knowledge from the arts, humanities, sciences, and other disciplines in developing a framework for nursing knowledge and practice
  • Explore the effect of variations in health status, developmental processes, values, beliefs and attitudes, culture, history, and environment on nursing care needs
  • Use critical thinking, clinical judgment/decision making, problem-solving, and the research process in the development of nursing knowledge and practice
  • Assess, diagnose, plan, implement, and evaluate evidence-based and culturally-appropriate safe nursing care with patients, families, populations and communities
  • Evaluate utilization of health promotion strategies in the development of nursing practice
  • Develop professional nursing practice frameworks and roles, including the provider of patient-centered care, health care team member/collaborator, leader/manager, educator, scholar, patient-safety advocate, activist, mentor, and entrepreneur
  • Evaluate the impact of evolving technological, socioeconomic, political and demographic changes on nursing practice and health care systems
  • Adhere to legal and ethical principles in the development of professional nursing practice
  • Participate in nursing- and health-related service opportunities

The Texas A&M University Online RN to BSN online program prepares you for roles such as:

  • Charge Nurse
  • Case Manager
  • Public Health Nurse
  • Nurse Manager
  • Charge Nurse
  • Case Manager
  • Public Health Nurse
  • Nurse Manager

Also available:

Texas A&M International University offers a variety of in-demand online nursing programs. Explore all of our online nursing programs.

Total Tuition $8,995*
Duration As few as 12 months
Credit Hours 32


ACEN Accredited

The undergraduate and graduate programs in the Dr. F. M. Canseco School of Nursing in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). Contact by mail at 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30326, by phone at 404-975-5000 or visit

The TAMIU RN to BSN program ranked #2 among the best in Texas by (2024)

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Find out how and when to pay your tuition

Tuition for the RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing online degree program is affordable and can be paid by the course. All fees are included.

Tuition breakdown:

Total Tuition $8,995*
Per Credit Hour $281


Dates you need to know

The RN to BSN program is delivered in an online format ideal for working nurses, conveniently featuring six start dates each year. Choose the start date that is best for you.

SessionProgram Start DateApplication DeadlineDocument DeadlinePayment DueLast Class Day
Spring II3/24/253/10/253/17/253/21/255/9/25
Summer I5/19/255/5/255/12/255/16/257/5/25
Summer II7/7/256/23/256/30/257/7/258/22/25
Fall I8/25/258/11/258/18/258/22/2510/10/25
Fall II10/20/2510/3/2510/15/2510/17/2512/9/25
Spring I1/20/261/2/261/15/261/16/263/7/26

Now enrolling:

Apply Date 5/5/25
Class Starts 5/19/25

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Requirements for the Texas A&M University Online RN to BSN degree program

Applying for the RN to BSN program online program is a simple process with no application fee.

Admission Requirements:

  • Unencumbered RN license in Texas
  • Minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA

  • Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
  • Current valid unencumbered Texas Nursing License—Compact Licenses are accepted

Note: All admitted students must submit verification of criminal background screening and drug screening, by a company or agency designated by the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, prior to registering a clinical course or completion of the first online course.

Official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended should be mailed directly from the institution(s) to TAMIU at this address:

Texas A&M International University
Office of Admissions
Senator Judith Zaffirini Student Success Center, Suite 129
5201 University Boulevard
Laredo, TX 78041
Electronically to

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The topics you'll study in our RN to BSN online curriculum

There are ten courses for the nursing core within the RN to BSN online program at TAMIU, totaling 32 credit hours. Students will receive 35 Transfer Credit Hours after the successful completion of NURN 3314. To complete the Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing online program, you must complete a total of 120 credit hours, including 53 credit hours of general education courses. Many general education courses may be transferred in. The actual number of general education credit hours will be determined after a transcript review and course plan discussions with your advisor.

Students must take the following 10 courses totaling 32 hours. 

Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course explores relationships between cultural phenomena and health behavior. Cultural forces that enhance or reduce the capacity of patients throughout the life span to maintain health are analyzed. This course is 3 hours of theory per week.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
The purpose of this course is to examine Global Health problems and challenges within the context of current realities. Looking at health and health care as a basic human right, students will explore health related concepts and trends within a global context. Geopolitical, immigration, socioeconomic conditions, and environmental factors will be analyzed in relation to health and health care delivery. Students will examine multinational corporate activities, the social and health consequences of armed conflict and rapid development, and the ways in which cultural and religious practices and beliefs may influence an individual's health or potential for recovery. This course is 3 hours of theory per week. Prereq: Admission into the RN/BSN program.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course introduces the student to professional nursing practice as a learned and complex therapeutic process through which the nurse engages with a variety of patients for the purpose of meeting health needs. Baccalaureate level nursing care is examined within nursing philosophical and theoretical contexts. Prereq: Admission into the RN/BSN program. Fixed 1st Course
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This clinical course provides students the opportunity to apply critical thinking and complex therapeutic processes to a variety of patients for the purpose of meeting the patient’s health care needs. This course builds upon the theoretical contexts of Baccalaureate level nursing care introduced in NURN 3313. This course requires 42 clock hours for the completion of a project relating to the transition of a professional nursing role. This course is graded Pass/Fail. Prerequisites: Admission into the RN/BSN program and NURN 3313.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is designed to introduce students to historical figures and trends in nursing that influence nursing care today. The impact of the nursing profession on healthcare throughout history is highlighted. This is a 3 credit hour course. Prereq: Admission into the RN/BSN program.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
The emphasis of this course is to instruct students on how to conduct a comprehensive health assessment. Knowledge from the biological sciences is used within the context of the nursing process to develop skills in systematic assessment of patients in all phases of the life cycle. This course is 3 hours of theory.14 hours total of virtual practicum are required in this course. Prerequisites: Admission into the RN/BSN Program.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course focuses on the introductory use of the research process in the development of nursing knowledge and practice. The student will critically appraise research studies and determine their value in improving client outcomes across the lifespan. The steps of the research process will be explored. This course is 3 hours of theory per week. Prereqs: MATH 1342
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course provides an introduction to the theory of nursing leadership and management and emphasizes the role of nurse leader in professional nursing practice. Key concepts will include critical thinking, effective communication, ethical and legal issues, handling conflict, successful delegation, controlling resources, improving quality and safety, and leading change. Prereq: Admission into the RN/BSN program.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course provides students the opportunity to apply the theories of nursing leadership and management in the practice setting. Emphasis will be placed on the role of the nurse as a leader, building on the concepts learned in NURN 4313. Students are expected to utilize concepts of critical thinking, effective communication, ethical and legal principles, conflict management, delegation, resource management, quality, safety, and change theory within the practice setting. This practicum course requires 42 total clock hours of precepted practicum with a nurse leader. This course will be graded as Pass/Fail. Prerequisites: Must be taken in the final semester of the nursing curriculum after NURN 4313
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
This course emphasizes the development of epidemiological principles which provide the framework for conducting community assessments. Students will collaborate with community groups to assess their healthcare status and resources (folk and traditional). This course is 2 hours of theory; 28 hours total practicum focused on either identifying a community issue, participating in a community project, conducting a community needs assessment, or any other community-related activity relating to community health. Prerequisites: Admission into the RN/BSN Program.
These courses (totaling 53 hours) under General Education are needed in addition to your core nursing courses. You will receive a full degree plan on what courses will be required:
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 1
This course focuses on models of academic success through various learning strategies that bring an international perspective to student coursework. Academic success is intentionally structured through core curriculum focused assignments that promote undergraduate research and engage students in uncovering and evaluating facts and data through a common reader. Additionally, students are introduced to academic success opportunities available on campus.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
Large-group lecture and seminar classes focusing on an interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary issue. Multiple sections may be offered with various topics and instructors. Designed to introduce undergraduates to in-depth analysis from an interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary perspective. Includes an introduction to University resources, such as research facilities, academic and student life resources, and University lectures or performances. Prerequisites: Successful completion or concurrent enrollment in UNIV 1101.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
The goal of this course is to develop students' expository and analytical writing skills by guiding them through the multiple stages of the writing process and by creating an awareness of authorial voice, audience, purpose, and occasion. Students will also employ critical thinking and reading skills in the evaluation of selected readings designed to further emphasize the writing process. This course will provide an introduction to writing the documented essay, to acquiring information literacy skills, and to evaluating both printed and electronic sources. To earn credit, this course must be completed with a "C" or better. See Texas Success Initiative in the section entitled UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Prerequisites: DENG 0370, a satisfactory score on standard assessment test, or exemption from any TSI test.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course offers a continuation of the expository and analytical writing skills developed in English 1301 and introduces the principles of argumentation and more extensive interpretation of selected readings. Students will again be engaged in all steps of the writing process, generating argumentative essays based on thoughtful analysis and discussion of reading assignments. In addition, students will be guided through the steps of more sophisticated research writing techniques, information literacy skills, and evaluation of primary and secondary sources, culminating in a series of essay length research projects. To earn credit, this course must be completed with a "C" or better. See Texas Success Initiative in the section entitled UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Prerequisites: ENGL 1301.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
A survey of national government in the United States with emphasis upon the Constitution, government structure, and processes. European background; federal, state, and interstate relations; rights and obligations of citizens; political parties; group organization; the legislative process; and the executive, judicial, and administrative functions in federal government. See Texas Success Initiative in the section entitled UNIVERSITY COLLEGE.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Analysis of state and local government in the United States, with particular emphasis upon the State of Texas. History of state governments; state constitutions; the role of the individual pertaining to the rights and liberties in participation in government; political parties, pressure groups, and the franchised. The state legislature, the governor and state administration, state court system, county municipal organization, and current problems of local government. See Texas Success Initiative in the section entitled UNIVERSITY COLLEGE
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
A study of the structure and function of the human body including cells, tissues, and organs of the following systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous system and special senses. Must be taken concurrently with BIOL 2101. Carries no credit for biology majors. Prerequisites: Consult your departmental advisor or obtain instructor's permission.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
A study of the structure and function of the human body including endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Other topics include metabolism, acid-base balance, development, and heredity. Must be taken concurrently with BIOL 2102. Carries no credit for biology majors.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Surveys the major principles of psychology. Introduces the history of psychology, human development, personality, abnormal behavior, social psychology, feelings and emotions, research methodologies, experimental psychology, psychophysiology, learning and memory, altered states of awareness, sleep and dreams, and industrial and organizational psychology. Students will be required to participate in the psychological experiment participant pool as part of this class, or may opt to complete an additional paper assignment in lieu of research participation. See Texas Success Initiative in the section entitled UNIVERSITY COLLEGE.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Topics include collection, analysis, presentation and interpretation of data, and probability. Analysis includes descriptive statistics, correlation and regression, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. Use of appropriate technology is recommended. Prerequisites: Completion of Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Mathematics requirements or appropriate level developmental course sequence.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course covers discovery; European contributions and forces; Spanish and Portuguese conquests in the Americas; English, French, and Dutch in America. The English Colonies in America; accomplishments of nationalistic groups; War of Independence; establishment of the new nation, problems of the formative period, western development, and frontier influence; cultural and constitutional growth; internal dissension and international problems; and Reconstruction. See Texas Success Initiative in the section entitled UNIVERSITY COLLEGE.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Covers the growth of national ideas; movement for individual freedom; party government and public interests; industrial development; labor problems and agrarian unrest; changing international policies; war and peace; problems of agriculture, business, and government; cultural progress and attempts at social cooperation; and current world problems and trends. It is recommended that HIST 1301 be taken before 1302. See Texas Success Initiative in the section entitled UNIVERSITY COLLEGE.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Laboratory course to accompany BIOL 2301. Practical exercises reinforce BIOL 2301 lecture material. Topics include of the structure and function of the human body including cells, tissues, and organs of the following systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous system and special senses. Not for students majoring or minoring in biology. Fulfills the laboratory science core curriculum requirement. Carries no credit for biology majors. Must be taken concurrently with BIOL 2301. Lab fee: $30.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Student may select any course listed under the University Catalog (Core Curriculum Requirements)
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Student may select any course listed under the University Catalog (Core Curriculum Requirements)
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
Clinically oriented overview of basic medical microbiology. Topics discussed include cell structure and function, microbial growth and its control, immunology, and genetics. Carries no credit for biology majors. Lecture/laboratory. Lab fee: $30. STUDENT MAY TAKE BIOL 2415 or BIOL 2421. Prerequisites: Consult School of Nursing.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
A survey of microbiology. Topics include structure, growth, reproduction, metabolism, genetics, and taxonomy of microorganisms; a survey of microorganisms of soil, water, foods, and industry. Lecture /laboratory. Lab fee: $30. STUDENT MAY TAKE BIOL 2421 or BIOL 2415. Prerequisites: BIOL 1306/1106, and CHEM 1311/1111.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduces practical knowledge of statistical reasoning, from descriptive statistics such as histograms, measures of central tendency, variability, and correlation, to inferential statistics including, probability theory, hypothesis testing, effect size, t-tests, analysis of variance, regression, and chi square, which are essential for understanding scientific reports in psychology and cognitive sciences. Students enrolled in this class must obtain a “C” or better to earn credit and enroll in PSYC 3302. Corequisites: PSYC 2117.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is a comprehensive study of underlying concepts common to the major pathophysiologic processes of the body. Emphasis is placed upon the concepts essential for understanding the evidence based rationale for nursing interventions. This course is 3 hours of theory per week. Prereq: BIOL 2301, BIOL 2101 and BIOL 2302, BIOL 2102.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
Laboratory course to accompany BIOL 2302. Practical exercises reinforce BIOL 2302 lecture material. Topics include endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Other topics include metabolism, acid-base balance, development, and heredity. Carries no credit for biology majors. Must be taken concurrently with BIOL 2302. Lab fee: $30.
Graduation day - Priscilla DeAndra holding a baby wearing a graduation cap - BSN graduate
"The instructors were really good about helping with just about everything. Very knowledgeable. ... I love how they focus more on taking care of the patients and making sure they're happy, healthy."

Priscila de Anda | RN to BSN Graduate

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