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Affordable MSN for Texas Nurses

At the end of a long shift, nurses who provide direct patient care may go home with sore backs and aching feet, not to mention emotional wear and tear. After years of experience, nurses with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) may be ready to move into a leadership role. But to qualify for many management or administrative jobs, nurses need a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN). An online MSN in Nursing Administration is an affordable and convenient alternative to traditional, campus-based programs.

What Can Nurses Expect to Learn in an MSN in Nursing Administration Program?

Students in an MSN in Nursing Administration program will learn the interpersonal and business skills they need to be effective leaders in nursing. The curriculum may cover the following:

  • Application of management science to address current and emerging changes in healthcare
  • Financial principles used for planning, budget control, risk analysis and decision making
  • Research methods and statistical analysis used for evaluating and utilizing evidence-based practice in a clinical setting
  • Theories and conceptual frameworks in the nursing practice as applied to a holistic approach within a multicultural society
  • The administrator’s role in monitoring and measuring patient outcomes
  • Global health systems and frameworks for population health, disease prevention, health education and wellness promotion

What Are the Responsibilities of a Nurse Administrator?

A nurse administrator oversees and advocates for nursing staff and ensures that nurses provide safe and cost-efficient care to patients, among many other duties. Nurse administrators manage and collaborate with all levels of nursing staff, other healthcare professionals and executive leaders. They ensure that nurses adhere to safety protocols and regulations and advocate for the protection and rights of patients. Other duties of a nurse administrator may include:

  • Attending committee and board meetings
  • Assuring that financial, safety and patient satisfaction goals are met
  • Checking the accuracy of financial and resource records
  • Gathering data to prepare and present reports
  • Reporting to the executive team
  • Maintaining nursing staff through hiring, firing and retention
  • Overseeing staff development and training
  • Managing staff performance
  • Planning budgets and approving spending
  • Resolving operational issues

As leaders in their field, nurse administrators also play a vital role in advancing health fairness. For example, they may work to improve access to care in rural areas, increase cultural competency in nursing staff and provide community health education in collaboration with local partners.

Why Is an Online MSN in Nursing Administration Program a Good Choice for Nurses?

An online program is an economical option for students who want to earn an MSN in Nursing Administration degree. On-campus programs can be more expensive due to transportation costs, physical resource materials, building maintenance, additional fees and more.

Students may also have to stop working full-time to meet on-campus course and study schedules, resulting in “opportunity cost.” Considering the opportunity cost of attending school is an important part of any prospective student’s cost/benefit analysis. And this opportunity cost can be substantial, reflecting the wages or job opportunities a student misses out on while in school and not working.

Students in an online program can avoid many of these costs. For example, they can access course materials electronically and generally pay fewer fees. In addition, they can complete schoolwork at any time, from anywhere with an internet connection, leaving them free to continue working and earning a wage in their current nursing roles.

Is the Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) MSN in Nursing Administration Program Affordable?

The TAMIU MSN in Nursing Administration is one of the most affordable MSN programs in Texas. Many other programs in the state take longer to complete and cost more. The accelerated TAMIU MSN program is 31 credit hours and takes as few as 10 months to complete. The program is 100% online, and the total tuition for in-state students is $11,377. Students can also choose to pay by the course.

An MSN adds to the expertise that nurses acquire through courses in a BSN program and their experience in nursing. An MSN also bolsters a nurse’s qualifications for higher-level jobs with top healthcare organizations. In this program, nurses obtain the preparation needed for both advanced clinical and leadership positions. In advanced positions, MSN-prepared nurses generally earn higher salaries than nurses with a BSN alone.

The flexibility of the TAMIU MSN in Nursing Administration allows nurses to continue working while completing their degree, and the online format can help reduce the cost of returning to school. Taken together, earning this degree can help nurses advance their education, career opportunities and income potential, all without breaking the bank.

Learn more about Texas A&M International University’s online MSN in Nursing – Nursing Administration program.

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