Educational Diagnostics Professional Certificate Online

Add diagnostician knowledge and credentials to your skillset to enhance your gift for delivering effective and inspiring special education.

Apply by: 5/5/25
Start class: 5/19/25 Apply Now

Program Overview

Give your dreams momentum with our online educational diagnostician program

Become a stronger advocate for your school's exceptional students with the Educational Diagnostics Professional Certificate online program. This certificate builds on your critical thinking, communication and mediation skills to help you determine and implement strategic approaches for assisting special-needs learners.

Accessible, 100% online coursework aligns with TExES Educational Diagnostician (253) exam. You will explore topics including diagnostic assessment instruments that help identify students with disabilities, the administration and interpretation of intelligence and ability tests, and academic achievement assessment procedures. Curriculum includes embedded field experience and training in youth mental health, substance abuse, youth suicide and dyslexia. Before starting this educational diagnostician certification online program, your transcripts will be examined to determine if you have already met some of the requirements, which can reduce your cost and time to completion.

Supportive TAMIU faculty are experienced in all aspects of special education, and they have served as practitioners in K-12 and/or as members of state boards of education. One-on-one attention helps facilitate your success and results in a 95% pass rate on the TExES Educational Diagnostician Certification exam.

Graduates of this Educational Diagnostics Professional Certificate online program will be able to:

  • Use assessment to make educational decisions for individuals with exceptionalities
  • Integrate scholarly inquiry to select evidence-based strategies to meet the needs of individuals with exceptionalities
  • Demonstrate leadership skills by advocating for individuals with exceptionalities
  • Use assessment to make educational decisions for individuals with exceptionalities
  • Integrate scholarly inquiry to select evidence-based strategies to meet the needs of individuals with exceptionalities
  • Demonstrate leadership skills by advocating for individuals with exceptionalities

Also available:

Texas A&M International University offers a variety of in-demand online education programs. Explore all of our online education programs.

Total Tuition $8,808*
Duration 8 months
Credit Hours 24


The State of Texas Education Agency

The Texas A&M International University College of Education is accredited by the Texas State Board for Educator Certification.

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Pay-as-you-go tuition helps make this online Educational Diagnostics Professional Certificate program affordable

Tuition for the Educational Diagnostics Professional Certificate online program is affordable and can be paid by the course. All fees are included.

Tuition breakdown:

Total Tuition $8,808*
Per Credit Hour $367


First step to success: Pick your apply and start dates

The Educational Diagnostics Professional Certificate program is delivered online, featuring 7-week courses and six start dates each year. Choose the start date that is best for you.

SessionProgram Start DateApplication DeadlineDocument DeadlinePayment DueLast Class Day
Spring II3/24/253/10/253/17/253/21/255/9/25
Summer I5/19/255/5/255/12/255/16/257/5/25
Summer II7/7/256/23/256/30/257/7/258/22/25

Now enrolling:

Apply Date 5/5/25
Class Starts 5/19/25

Ready to take the next steps toward earning your next degree?

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Key steps for admission to our online certificate program

Applying for the Educational Diagnostics Professional Certificate online program is a simple process. Learn more about the admission requirements below.

Admission Requirements:

  • 2.75 GPA in last 60 academic hours
  • Master's degree in a related field
  • Texas teacher certification
  • Minimum of three years of teaching experience

Official transcripts from all institutions attended can be sent to:

Texas A&M International University
Graduate School
Senator Judith Zaffirini Student Success Center, Suite 223
5201 University Boulevard
Laredo, TX 78041
Electronically to

Former TAMIU students do not need to submit TAMIU transcripts.

Upload the following documents to your application portal Click Here.

  1. FERPA consent found here
  2. Code of Ethics Form Teacher Candidate found here
  3. College of Education application found here
  4. Copy of your valid Texas teaching certificate
  5. Service record showing three years of teaching experience
  6. Complete the TAMIU College of Education On-line Screening Survey
  7. (If Required) Submit verification of minimum scaled scores on the (a) Test of English as a Foreign Language internet- Based Test (TOEFL iBT) of 24 for speaking, 22 for listening, 22 for reading, and 21 for writing or (b) International English Language Testing System (IELTS) to evidence English language proficiency if your undergraduate or graduate degree was not earned at an accredited institution of higher education in the United States or at an institution of higher education in a country outside of the United States as listed

If transcripts are uploaded to the portal, you will be asked to resend all official transcripts by mail or email and will delay the application process.

Have a question? Call us at 844-872-8712.

International Transcript Evaluation:
TAMIU does their own foreign credential evaluations. Graduate School does not require third party evaluations nor are obligated to accept the results, or GPA calculations, if an evaluation is submitted. If an applicant submits an official evaluation, the evaluation does not replace official transcripts or certificates of graduation.


What you will study in our innovative online educational diagnostician certification courses

This educational diagnostician certification program is delivered online, featuring 7-week courses and six start dates each year. Choose the start date that is best for you.

You must take the following courses.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This is an introductory level course for candidates seeking a MS in Special Education. Course content includes an overview of special education eligibility categories and evidence-based practices for students with disabilities. This content addresses the Texas Special Education Teaching Standards and the Council for Exceptional Children Common Core Standards. Course activities include lectures, case studies, and the evaluation of evidence-based practices. Prerequisites: Graduate standing. Fixed 1st Course.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This is an intermediate level course for candidates seeking a MS in Special Education. Course content includes the history of special education law, provisions of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Americans with Disabilities Act, Every Student Succeeds Act, legal trends and issues in special education, and special education professional ethical principles and practice standards guided by the Council for Exceptional Children Common Core Standards. Course activities include lectures, case analysis, and special education legal case briefs. Prerequisites: Graduate standing
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This is an introductory level course for candidates seeking a MS in Special Education. Course content includes the unique culture of disability across the lifespan and the impact of disabilities on an individual across the lifespan. In addition, this course examines characteristics of children and youth with major biological risk conditions and disabilities with a focus on the impact of these conditions on development over time. Course activities include lectures, group discussions and assignments, demonstrating the complexity of development with a disability.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This is an intermediate level course for candidates seeking a MS in Special Education. Course content includes descriptive statistics, psychometric properties of a test reliability and validity, interpretation of test scores, norms, scales, and grades, and some of the current controversies in testing. Additional topics such as data management, progress monitoring, test accommodations and modifications, and cultural and linguistic considerations are covered. Focus of attention is on the use of assessment information for making educational decisions. Course activities include lectures, interpretation of scores, and case analysis.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Each student will experience performance-based training in the administration, scoring and interpretation of the basic, individually administered academic achievement assessment procedures currently in use in the public schools, such as the Wide Range Achievement Test, Woodcock-Johnson Achievement Tests, Key Math, Peabody Individual Achievement Test, and other selected achievement tests when appropriate. May be taken concurrently with EDSE 5320. Candidates enrolled in this course will complete Youth Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Youth Suicide, and Dyslexia Trainings as required by 19 Texas Administrative Code Section 228.30(c)(2) and (3). Prerequisites: EDSE 5305, EDSE 5320, and admission in the Educational Diagnostician Program.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course includes performance-based training in major individual intelligence or ability tests, that is the Stanford-Binet, Wechsler scales, and other selected individual intelligence scales. Each student will master the administrative techniques for each test, administer each test to a specific number of students, score, and interpret the results. Bilingual students will also master the Spanish versions when appropriate. May be taken concurrently with EDSE 5320. Candidates enrolled in this course will complete Youth Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Youth Suicide and Dyslexia Training as required by 19 Texas Administrative Code Section 228.30(c)(2) and (3). Prerequisites: EDSE 5305, EDSE 5320, and admission in the Educational Diagnostician Program.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course requires the satisfactory completion of a 160 clock hour practicum experience under the direction of a practicing educational diagnostician and supervision by a University professor. Participants will work in the field of diagnostics with the administration, scoring and interpreting test instruments and procedures. The practicum student will also be expected to complete a site-based project designed in cooperation with the diagnostician mentor and university supervisor. Prerequisites: Completion of at least 27 hours of the required coursework for the master's program. Fixed last course.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course will provide the student with an overview of diagnostic assessment instruments to identify students with disabilities. The course will also address assessment instruments for designing individualized interventions as well as general trends and issues in the field. Candidates enrolled in this course will complete the Educational Diagnostician Texas Examination of Educator Standards.

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