Dr. Rhonda Tubbe | Adjunct Professor at TAMIU
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Rhonda Tubbe - TAMIU Faculty

Rhonda Tubbe

Adjunct Professor

Research abilities and skills are powerful!

Degrees Held:

  • DHA – University of Phoenix, 2010
  • MSN – University of Phoenix, 2007
  • BSN – University of Jacksonville, 2006
  • RN

Career Highlights:

  • Certified online instructor
  • QM certified
  • Constructed and certified seven RN to BSN classes

In which online degree program do you teach?


  • Which classes do you teach online?

    Psychophysiology, Community, RN Transition 1 & 2, History of Nursing, Global Health, Cultural Determinant

  • What do you want students in your courses to learn? What are the learning outcomes or objectives?

    How to deal with real-life situations in the nursing field and how to anticipate, research and make critical decisions.

  • What types of projects and work do you typically assign for these courses?

    Research, quality writing, videos, papers, group interaction, exams

  • What advice would you give to those considering this online program?

    Understand the syllabus, instructions, objectives, dates and assignments. Review class requirements and ask for clarification if needed. Stay current!

  • What is the value of this degree?

    To add value of research to a nurse's skills. Research abilities and skills are powerful!

  • How can this degree help students prepare for the challenges of the field?

    To quantify decisions through the ability to research for best practices and variable.

  • Why did you start teaching?

    To share my 40 years of expertise to the classroom and prepare student nurses for the real world.

  • What is the one book you think everyone should read?

    Effective Communication for Health Professionals.

  • Tell us something interesting about yourself that your students might not know.

    I was raised in a family of seven. My parents could not afford for my education, so I worked nights as a nursing aid and in the evenings welding (I learned how to weld in school) to pay my way through nursing school.

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